10-Minute Beauty Treatments That Actually Work

Everybody has days when they need a little extra care. even though it’s just ten minutes. We’ve compiled a list of mini beauty treatments because we know how important it is to take time for yourself.
A miniature facial
In addition to being quick, face masks are a fantastic way to unwind. Put on our favorite green clay mask while still in your pajamas. This mask is entirely natural, deeply penetrates the pores, and purifies the skin.
A peel that takes three minutes
Dead skin cells and a lot of extra fat are removed with a facial peel. Although they can be a little harsh, they are excellent for your face. This should only be done once a week and for a few minutes at most.
Yoga for the face
A facial yoga session is a good substitute for plastic surgery and takes less than ten minutes. Begin with the letter “v.” Apply pressure to the outside of your eyebrows with your index fingers and press both middle fingers together in the middle of your eyebrows. For more exercises, watch the video below.
A dry brush
Dry brushing is ideal for eliminating dead skin cells and delaying the aging process of the skin. To get rid of dead skin cells and increase blood flow, use a brush with natural bristles and move it in circular motions. This treatment should ideally be performed in the morning, prior to taking a shower.
Scrubs for the lips
Lip scrubs are fantastic! You can purchase a premade lip scrub or make them yourself. After five minutes of leaving the scrub on your lips, rinse them with warm water. Gorgeous, velvety lips are the end result.